BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// jCal Pro VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Striding Out Events Calendar X-WR-TIMEZONE:Africa/Abidjan BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bdf3fa02d7da6e519abd07ae384475a6 tor DTSTAMP:20130513T191659Z CONTACT:To register call Donna: 01512450277 DESCRIPTION: \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFriday 07 June 2013\, 10:00 - 16:00\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSocial media marketing is an essential part of growing your busi ness today.From Facebook\, Twitter\, Google+ and LinkedIn to Flickr\, You Tube and blogs\,\nBusinesses across the world are utilising social network s to raise brand awareness\, manage their reputation and most importantly of all – gain new customers.\nThis workshop has been developed to help y ou not only understand how your business can really benefit from embracing social media but will provide you with the knowledge required to make in formed decisions on how to identify the most appropriate solutions for you r business\, how to implement and manage them.\n\n\n\n DTEND:20130607T160000Z DTSTART:20130607T100000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130501T103500Z SUMMARY:Social Media Strategy for Business & Action Planning Workshop URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c14486a7e9b75bf8cdda7fb72a775779 tor DTSTAMP:20130513T191659Z CONTACT:To register call Donna: 01512450227. DESCRIPTION:Thursday 28 November 2013\, 08:00 - 12:00\nThis workshop is for companies that need to create winning businesses by \nhiring\, coaching a nd keeping the best people. The aim is to introduce ideas on \nhow to recr uit and develop A-grade employees.\nSubjects introduced include: \n• Ass essing internal talent\n• Coaching people to improve and develop\n• Hi ring fresh A-Grade (&\; A-Grade Potential) people\n• Are the right pe ople working in the right areas? DTEND:20131128T120000Z DTSTART:20131128T080000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130501T115000Z SUMMARY:High Growth Teams: Top-Grading your people to deliver your high gro wth plan URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR