Making Decisions From a Good State of Mind

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Wouldn't you love to know that with every decision you make and every action you take - you are heading in the direction that's right you?

Life is a seemly endless series of decisions. Some as simple as what to eat for dinner, and others as complex as what degree to choose or whether to start your own business.

Each decision, regardless of its complexity or simplicity, influences and molds your life. Each decision big and small counts!

How do you ensure that you are making the best decisions for you?

#1 rule of thumb for successful decision-making - MAKE DECISIONS FROM A GOOD STATE OF MIND (and body).


Make decisions when you are focused, clear-headed and calm, not when you are anxious, overwhelmed and overly emotional.

Most people don’t recognize the importance their state of mind plays in the decision making process. A good state of mind will expand thinking and awareness, create options and possibilities and enhance intuition. A poor state of mind will limit thinking, cloud judgment and narrow vision. It is ultimately what differentiates a successful decision maker from an unsuccessful one.

So the next time you are about to make a decision consider following these simple steps:
  • Stop and notice your state of mind and body.
  • Are you unfocused, stressed, anxious or overwhelmed?
  • If so, ask yourself “what could I do to access a focused and clearheaded state right now?” Then do it.

If you can’t easily access a good state and you don’t have to make the decision immediately, try placing the decision on hold. Stop thinking about the decision entirely and focus your attention on things you enjoy and love.  Only when you are in a good state of mind, come back to the decision and make it!

This state is individual to you. You may be able to access it on your own, or you may benefit from the assistance of a professional coach.

McKenzie Cerri is a Striding Out coach specialising in decision making for youth and adults.

Click here for more information on Career Coaching or call us on 0203 3030 0468.







