Do you think in the Big Picture or the Small Detail?

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In Neuro Linguistic Programming we often talk of our Meta Programmes, the unconscious overriding systems we each have that influence the way we think, perceive and behave.  It was at first believed that these Meta Programmes were set in concrete, as if they were hard wired, and that we were controlled by them; however it is now known that we are in fact in control of our Meta Programmes and can easily develop skills to change them as and when appropriate.

Each Meta programme is a scale from one extreme to the other and we each sit somewhere along those individual scales.  Where we chose to sit strongly influences how successful we are in our chosen activities and relationships. 

Our various Meta programmes include:

Big Picture – Small Detail

Towards – Away From

Options – Procedures

People – Task

Internal Reference – External Reference

Sameness – Difference

Proactive - Reactive


Could this create conflict?

Meta Programmes can also explain where some of our conflicts come from as we struggle to understand another person’s working style, or why we drown with some areas of our work and fly in others. For example, if you are a Big Picture thinker you tend to see the goal you are working towards in full, you are clear in understanding your vision and highly motivated to work towards it, however you may struggle to handle the details of the day to day tasks needed to reach that vision, getting quickly bored and lost in your dreams.  

At the other end of the scale you may be fascinated by the small details.  Be very thorough in your work and like to make plans and devise processes having a natural understanding of the steps towards your goals.  On the down side you can easily get side tracked, loose motivation and clarity of your vision, and run the risk of missing the mark on how your business fits into your life plan and even the industry you work within.

Finding the Balance

As an entrepreneur there are times when it is essential to be in Big Picture mode and have the skill to switch to Small Detail to get the job done.  In a team it is common for people at either end of this scale to become irritated and frustrated with the other persons lack of understanding.  How many times have you heard staff members in large organisation complaining that managers are out of touch with the reality of the job and managers complain that their staff just don’t understand the strategic approach needed to keep the business running.  Perhaps if the team understood the Meta Programme, the advantages and strengths in both and knew how to motivate and foster the positive relationship possible then the team could flourish, with respect for each other’s differences.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you know yourself well enough do know where on each scale you are?
  • Do you know your colleges or business partners well enough to understand where on each scale they are?
  • Do you understand which positions on each scale would be most useful in achieving your goals?
And finally...
  • Do you value the differences in your team and the benefit of each end of the scales to be able to build successful working relationships and inspire the best working practices for your business?

Striding Out provides coaching for individuals and teams which can help you discover your Meta Programmes and make them work for you.

Article by Ema Quinn

Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Certified Practitioner of NLP Coaching
Certified Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy™
