7 Questions to Identify your Target Market

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What is your target market?

Who is the focus of your marketing?

If your answer is 'everyone' then read on.

A focused marketing strategy not only attracts significantly more business but also provides richer opportunities for self expression. Choosing to whom to aim your services enables you to think carefully about their needs and develop more innovative products and services. It's easier for others to understand what you do. You can become known as an expert in your field and get word of mouth recommendations.

'Your niche market is the place in which you have a natural competitive advantage because you occupy the right place in the right ecosystem.' Molly Gordon

Here are some"where" and "who" questions to help you narrow it down:



1. Where have you the most credibility?

2. Where is there the greatest need together with the greatest appreciation for your work?

3. Where do the people who need your work most often have problems or crises that would make them hire you? 


4. Who is naturally drawn to you and to your work?

5. Who is traveling a path that you have successfully walked yourself?

6. Whose needs can you reliably predict and meet?

7. Who do you enjoy working with?

There are probably several different target markets you could work with. Developing a focused target market is a process of exploring several possibilities and gradually narrowing them.

Once you have identified a target market, you will find it much easier to design a marketing strategy. Think about where you can meet them, what are their professional networks, what do they read.

This doesn't mean you have to refuse work that comes from other sources. It's about developing your expertise and making your marketing pound and hour go as far as it can.

Striding Out can help you to identify your target market. This article was written by Striding Out Coach Rosalyn. Click here for more information about business coaching.



 Article written by Rosalyn Clare, Striding Out, Business, Career & Youth Coach

Striding Out regularly runs courses in learning mentoring and coaching skills. If you would like to explore coaching or would like to gain   coaching skills to impact others drop us an email at [email protected].

To develop as a leader or manager, read more about our ILM accredited training courses in Team Leading and also Leadership & Management, taking place in Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle and London here http://www.stridingout.co.uk/ilm-qualifications.

Click here to learn more about Rosalyn Clare.

