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Figuring Out

A Guide to Developing a Basic Website

This factsheet explains the main options for planning and building a basic website for your business. It looks at design, maintenance, costs and getting outside help, and explains how you can get started. It also offers pointers to numerous sources of further information and provides some useful hints and tips.

A Guide to Developing a Basic Website

This Scavenger factsheet covers only the development of a basic business website. Setting up a site with e-commerce facilities to enable customers to order or buy online is dealt with in BIF 342 An Introduction to Setting up an Online Store.

Today, every business needs a website. Customers now demand that the businesses that they patronise are accessible online. If you don't have a website, your company is at a competitive disadvantage. But how do you build a website for your enterprise?

Few businesses have the skills to design and build a website themselves. This factsheet will give you all the information you need to locate, hire and manage a web designer so you get exactly the website you need to enhance your business and get the best value for your money.

The development of a business website can be complex and, if not handled correctly, could become a financial burden on your business. It's therefore essential to approach the design of your new site with a professional web designer who will be able to help you create a market-leading site your business can be proud of.

Choosing and Using A Website Designer - Scavenger Factsheet.

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