Social Impact

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As a Community Interest Company we are passionate about helping others achieve their potential.  As a social enterprise ourselves, we aim to become a sustainable enterprise, through the delivery of paid services to commerical client groups, and delivery of funded services to those who can't afford to pay for them directly. Any profit we generate is re-invested to develop and improve the services we provide to young people. 

Our Community Objectives

  • To increase an individual's confidence in an area of their life, e.g. career, business or leadership 
  • To support young people to take steps towards achieving their career ambitions.
  • To foster and encourage sustainability and social impact amongst the organisations and clients we work with

During 2010 we delivered the following support .... 

Career Support
  • Delivered 250 recruitment events at 25 Job Centre Plus offices across our four regions.
  • Provided 3700 unemployed young people with pre-employment support, including career, CV and interview guidance.
  • Supported 800 of these young people on a longer term basis, to assist them into sustainable employment, education or training.
  • Placed 520 young people into newly created job opportunities with 129 employers.
  • Delivered over 3500 one to one coaching sessions and 70 training workshops to 640 young people who have been placed into job opportunities.
Training in Coaching Skills
  • Trained 50 individuals to become peer mentors, of which 40 are working towards an ILM Level 2 Qualification in Mentoring, with 10 successfully qualified to date.
Business Skills
  • Recognised the talents of 100 young social entrepreneurs in the 2010 Future 100 Awards campaign.
  • Delivered 200 business coaching sessions to 60 young entrepreneurs who are planning or running their own business.
  • Delivered 40 business skill workshops and networking events to over 600 entrepreneurs in Liverpool and London.
  • Delivered 250 coaching sessions and 40 workshops to 100 emerging and established leaders of social entrepreneurs on our Social Pioneer
  • programme.
  • Engaged a total of 97 individuals in accrediting their training with an ILM Qualification, with 21 successfully completing qualifications to date.
  • Launched Breakout Media Academy for ex-offenders and recruited 8 new trainees across 2 pilot areas.
  • Recruited 70 young people onto our Take the Lead programme, with 44 working towards an ILM Team Leadership Qualification.
  • Provided 90 young people with the opportunity to meet and follow inspirational leaders.
To request a full copy of our Community Impact Report please click here 


Our Wider Commitment to Sustainability

  • Sourcing Environmental Packaging and Products
  • Tapping in Student Talent and Providing Valuable Work Experience
  • Supporting a local or national charitable cause, by fundraising or offering inkind support.
  • Engaging in Local Community Development  
  • Disability Awareness
  • Using Ethical Venues and Suppliers
  • Managing Employee Relations
