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Figuring Out

Boost your Online Status and Network

It's important to raise your profile online to attract new clients, partners and team members.

Social networking using Linked In and Twitter can be a pivotal strategy for boosting your professional status and network.

Because of the recent massive influx of users Linked In provides a potentially extensive network for showcasing your work achievements. It has an estimated 35 million registered users worldwide of which more than 2 million are based in the UK. This figure is growing at around 5% per month as more candidates find themselves on the market.

Twitter is fast becoming one of the most talked about social networks available on the net. It has huge potential for marketing; and is without doubt an essential resource for all types of professional in all sectors. Those using it astutely realise that it is quickly becoming a major addition to the likes of Linked In as a must-have in the modern day successful marketing strategy.

So how can you make the most of social networking?

Networking can be defined as the process of meeting with appropriate people in a specific industry or career focus area to find out about what they do and what their current needs are - thereby developing strategic relationships. Social networking is doing this virtually.

To maximize the value of your social networking, make sure you adhere to the following key principles:

  • Remember the objective of "social networking". The goal of networking is to gain information, connections and referrals. Your profile on Linked In/Twitter/Facebook should attract prospective clients or partners by stating the problem you help with. This acts as a mirror so that the prospective clients feel confident they have come to the right place.
  • Apply the "1:50 Principle".  Everybody knows at least fifty other people from various parts of their life. School, work, church, volunteer activities, sports groups, trade associations, neighbours, friends, family - all of these can become relevant when considering social networking. List as many people as you can from these and any other categories, Expand your list by using Linked In and Twitter. Then realize that each of these people knows at least 50 other people. The likelihood that several of these individuals will know someone who works in one of your target industries is very high.
  • 'Be Social' - Keep up to date with what is happening. With Twitter, follow people who inspire and energise you as possible collaborators, groups you want to keep up to date with and support, business mentors, friends, and entrepreneurs. With Linked In, build a network of everyone you know or who could be useful in a business sense : invite everyone you know, become an OpenNetworker and join, join relevant industry groups and connect with members.

So think of todays' social networking sites as virtual villages, where networking is based on a foundation of interdependence and win-win and where fun, discovery and connection are the keys to success.

Written by Fiona Biggins - Striding Out Coach

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