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Figuring Out

A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved


Running your own business is a lonely business. With so many things to do and so little time it's easy to become overwhelmed.


Talking to a client recently, he said as quickly as I complete one task there is always five more added.  Quite often that's because those problems have not been prioritised or shared.

There are a number of well known methods for solving problems, and one of them is from Earl Nightingale's book Lead the Field which talked about using your creativity and finding 20 ways to solve an outstanding problem. However, from my experience there is one thing that is much more effective and that is the opportunity to talk the problem through with someone or a group of people and that's where our coaching circles come in.

Coaching Circles is like a mini mastermind group and the power of mastermind group have already been widely documented. It's an opportunity to share your experiences in a confidential and safe environment with others who are or maybe having the same experiences as you. When you have had the opportunity to talk about your problem and answer questions you would be surprised by what you say and what you can learn.

There are many benefits to sharing problems - realising that you are not alone, learning new tips, strategies and feeling inspired and re-invigorated. You will also have had an opportunity to help others by sharing your experiences and build your network at the same time. Our next Coaching Circles is on the 29th July at 4pm.  Click here to come along and share that problem.

 Morton Patterson, Striding Out coach



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