Choosing Your Ideal Career

Career Coaching

Many people believe that they need to make a firm decision about their career and stick to it.

But was that career choice the right decision in the first place?

So, which career is right for you?

  • Go with what you enjoy and have a passion for.
  • Think about what you like doing.
  • Write down what makes you happy.
  • Then, follow your ambition and go for it!
The best type of career is one where you get paid to do what you want to do! 

Some people also want to achieve certain things in their lifetime. It could be to help people; it could be to innovate services and products, or it could be to see social change.  

Times are changing and we are no longer in the type of society where we pick a career and stick to it for the rest of our lives. The average person these days will change their career six or seven times throughout their lifespan. As you change and grow as a person, your interests will also change, and you will naturally realise that you want to do something different with your work.

Do not be afraid to change!

Try doing some self-reflection to work out your skills, strengths, qualities. What do you really like doing when you're at work, when you're at home - in your spare time? What excites you and energises you? Where do your passions lie? The key is spending some time rediscovering yourself -- and using your own self-assessment to direct your career.

The next step is all about having the knowledge to know that you do not need to stick to conventional careers. Once you've discovered your passion, spend some time researching the types of careers that are based around your passions.

The truth is, there are many jobs out there, and it’s definitely certain that there is a job out there for you. You just need to take the time to look at what options and careers are available and then go for it.

One of the real keys to successfully choosing your career will be your networking abilities. People in your network may be able to give you job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or industry, and introduce you to others so that you can expand your network. Even if you don't think you already have a network, you probably do - consider colleagues, friends, and family members. You can broaden your network through joining professional organisations in your new field.

Changing careers is a major life decision that can get overwhelming at times. Find a Coach who can help you through the rough patches. Your Coach may also be able to help you by taking advantage of his or her network. A Coach will be able to feedback and assess your strengths and weaknesses, help you to achieve your full potential and unlock your own power within you to enable you to make the most of your skills and use them to your advantage.

Striding Out has a network of 20 Coaches nationwide that can help you to figure out your career aspirations and coach you through making it happen.  Call 0203 303 0468 for more information on Career Coaching. 

Article by Chris Davies-Anipole

Career Coach