Lee Singh Gill

 market-researchLee Singh Gill, 22, Researcher, Striding Out

Completed a 6-month job placement through the Future Jobs Fund programme.

Lee Singh Gill has accomplished a good academic background. After taking an NVQ level 3 course on ‘Community Action Development and Management’ Lee discovered he wanted to engage with young people through community development projects. Unfortunately Lee was ill and was unable to work. Like many individuals who had been out of employment for a long period Lee found it difficult to re-join the work force.

The Future Jobs Fund programme gives opportunities to many young individuals from different backgrounds to obtain essential experience. Lee was offered a 6-month placement as a Researcher with Striding Out.

Lee explains his experience with Striding Out not only has rewarded him with advanced skills in researching but also widened his social media network. “My position as a researcher entailed conducting research sessions with professionals within the industry as well as carrying out secondary research to contribute to on-going projects.” Lee goes onto explain that his job gave him the chance to explore into the industry he wants to break into and establish links.

The team at Striding Out are dedicated to helping every individual with their journey towards their dream job. During Lee’s work placement he was assigned to one of our coaches and was given one-to-one sessions in which the coach guided Lee to realise his potential, goal and his next step. “I found the coaching support given to be valuable and helpful even beyond the workplace. After each session I found myself to have grown in confidence after being given good direction.”


For more information on career coaching or work placements contact Striding Out on 0845 452 4085 or drop us an email on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
