Re-Evolve - Vital Regeneration

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re-evolve.jpgRe-Evolve part of Vital Regeneration is an innovative careers advice service run by 16-25 year olds from Westminster.  



Young volunteers gain confidence and direction in their career through creating their own resources to help other young people decide what careers they want to get into. The volunteers benefit from the hands-on experiences in their chosen industry and as a result become more enterprising and business-minded as they are given the responsibility of organising networking events and career workshops for schools and colleges.

Striding Out delivered the "Be Confident" Coaching programme for their young volunteers comprising of a series of 4 workshops to develop their confidence in leadership and project management skills. re-evolvesmall.jpg   

'As a result of the group coaching sessions, I have gained self-confidence and a positive sense of my values and uniqueness. I've learned that I have many gifts to offer and that it is OK to need help from others. I've learned that I can achieve anything that I really want to do. From the SMART goals, I set myself, I have decided to continue with my study, which I am now enjoying much more, whilst working in the charity sector. Overall feedback is that our Striding Out coach has been fantastic. She provides a deeply caring and supportive presence. We have all felt empowered and energised by this process! Thank you ;-) (I chose a fun action shot of myself when I went on someone's boat the other day. The spirit of confidence and adventure that life coaching brings)'  Emily Beckwith (Re-evolve Client)


